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Command overview

The basic command

nextflow run \                   # calling the workflow
 replikation/What_the_Phage \    # WtP Git-Repo
 --fasta /path/to/file.fa \      # provide a fasta-file as input
 --cores 8 \                     # number of cores you want to use
 -profile local,docker           # choose the environment:local and docker
 -r v1.2.0                       # WtP release version

Flag overview


Flag simple explanation
--fasta path/to/phage-assembly.fa or '/path/to/*.fa'
-profile local,docker or local,singularity or lsf,docker
-r v1.2.0


Flag simple explanation
--help will show you this page in your terminal
--filter e.g. 1500 bp (sequences below 1500 bp won't be analyzed)
--cores e.g. 10
--setup pre-downloads all you need to run WtP


Flag simple explanation
--workdir /path/to/dir
--database /path/to/dir
--cachedir /path/to/dir
--output e.g. results

Workflow control

Flag simple explanation
--dv deactivates deepvirfinder
--mp deactivates metaphinder
--pp deactivates PPRmeta
--sm deactivates sourmash
--vb deactivates vibrant
--vf deactivates virfinder
--vn deactivates virnet
--vs deactivates virsorter
--ph deactivates phigaro
--vs2 deactivates virsorter2
--identify only phage identification, skips analysis
--annotate only annotation, skips phage identification
--all_tools activate all included phage prediction tools
--annotation_db /path/to/your/custom_phage_annotation_db.tar.gz